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My Projects

This is a compilation of all the projects I have worked on throughout High School.

AutoCAD Galaga

This pixel-by-pixel image of Galaga was done in AutoCAD.  This helped me to apply knowledge of grid snapping, hatching, and absolute location.  I made the score "21585" which is the day that Galaga for the NES originally came out in Japan.  On the left you can see the templates for the spaceship and the three types of aliens I used.

Chrysler Building

I made the Chrysler Building for my Drafting I skyscraper project.  This was made in SketchUp, and is a more simplified version of the Chrysler Building for times sake.  It is made out of concrete, with blue glass windows and corrugated glass roof.  All the main windows are indented similar to a bump map effect, giving the windows a more "realistic" feel.  The roof features multiple arches on all sides that come together at one point.  Granted I had to simplify that due to time and software constraints.  However, I do like how the base of the building turned out, with vertical windows and more complicated geometry.  Fun fact: I had an original design similar to this, but had to scrap it due to the large amount of windows that I would have to fill in and indent, and ultimately settled on this design, with more simplistic window layouts.

AutoCAD Alphabet

This is my rendition of the alphabet made entirely of vertical and horizontal lines.  This was done in AutoCAD and includes all 26 letters and numbers 0-9.  I also included my name and date of birth written in this style. I individually colored each letter to make them pop out more, however I have included a non-fill image on the right.  This allowed me to utilize the grids and snap tool to make unique characters that can be applied as a font for different designs.

Checkerboard Fall 2017

I created this checkerboard in AutoCAD, where I utilized the block tool to remove clustered points on each chip.  I utilized the "Ignore Island Detection" hatch option to avoid any errors when hatching my checkers.  The board uses rectangular array consisting of 7 columns and 6 rows, all hatched to resemble a checkerboard.  Each chip is placed to resemble the start of a match of checkers.



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AutoCAD Golf Course Fall 2017

This project was a golf course done in AutoCAD that utilized the modify tools.  I put the trim, extend, scale, and offset tools to good use in order to make the holes look professional and clean.  It features 9 holes, which are labeled and can be seen on the right, and each hole is connected with a path.  I used a spline to create a realistic body of water in the center, and applied a grass pattern for the environment.  The placement of each hole generates a balance of distance in between each hole, and each hole is unique in its own way.  Maybe someday my mini golf course will become a real course here in Heritage.


I also remade the AutoCAD image in SketchUp, featuring all the holes plus extra 3D workshop content.  The biggest challenge was the 9th hole, I had to make the hole go under itself, meaning I had to create a complex slope and support it architecturally.  To see the application of 2D designs in 3D is really neat, and shows how technology can generate new ideas.

Door Styles

These are some entry door designs that I created in AutoCAD in Drafting I.  I utilized the architectural measurements to use the offset tool and create rectangular designs on the door which reflect those most commonly used in real housing.  I then applied a similar design to my SketchUp beach house.  I gave the SketchUp design a push/pull configuration, which allows the design to "pop out" and look more realistic.

AutoCAD Beach House Fall 2017

This project on an east coast beach house was very fun for me.  I put in a lot more detail than my skyscraper, and used depth to create a realistic feel.  The house is right on the beachfront, and is positioned on stilts to avoid flooding.  On this project I also learned how to make fences in a much more detailed manner.  I added overhangs to the roof of the house, adding to the realism, and colored the window sills with a dark red that pops out against the brown siding.  I set up a grill and some beach chairs in the back, and put a Lamborghini under the house to give it a bit of flair.

City of Shapes Fall 2017

This was my first major project in Sketchup.  This is where I learned both repetition and variety.  Each building in the city is unique in some way, but all feature the same base design.  I learned how to distinguish between the vertical, horizontal, and profile planes.

I also included a giant stadium in the top  left of the city where I used the ellipse tool in conjunction with the arc tool to create a semi-futuristic look.  I also attempted to color each building differently.  I set up a jogging track at the south of the city, and put in some trees to liven it up a bit.  Overall I am proud of my work on this project.

I am Ronald Johnston and I have lived in Raleigh, North Carolina for fifteen years.  I currently am in the 10th grade at Heritage High School in Wake Forest, and enjoy my time here as a student.  I ran cross country here for my first summer, and I was inducted into the Heritage High School "Gaming Academy".  This allowed me to set my courses for more technical, visual based courses that could help me later in life if I go into IT or game design.  I am more of an introvert than an extrovert, but I like to be easy to approach.  I plan to attend college at NC State, but I may go to Wake Tech to receive my associates degree.  Currently I am taking both AP Human Geography and AP Psychology, which will earn me college credit later in life.  My favorite subject in school is math, and I like to have events planned out.  In my spare time, I love to play video games, play basketball, and relax.

About Me

AutoCAD Figures 1-4

These figures were all made in AutoCAD using a variety of styles including Isometric, Perspective, Oblique Cavalier, and Oblique Cabinet.  Each face has been hatched to match the horizontal, vertical, and profile planes, and I have given a standard order of views to show the geometric layout of each shape.  Through this project I have learned how to layout the shape in a standard order of views layout, and how the depths differ between cavalier and cabinet projections.  I used a paper layout to organize the projections, and separated each projection with its own view.  I gave a title block in the bottom left for each one, showing basic information, and labeled the layouts with the corresponding figure.

AutoCAD Figures 5-8
AutoCAD Examples 1 & 2

These figures were done with the same goal in mind as the previous figures, to expand the knowledge and apply the techniques used in previous drawings to model shapes in multiple perspectives.

AutoCAD Examples 3 & 4
AutoCAD Examples 5 & 6
AutoCAD Tetris

This mini project shows how I can use offset to create individual pieces of the blocks, and arrange them into whole blocks.  Each block is hatched with a rule of brighter lights on the top, and a shadow at the bottom, and the modify tab let me arrange them in their own grid.  The score is the date of making this, and the high score is the year.

AutoCAD SOV Problems 1 & 2

This R2D2 project allowed me to use mathematical skills to calculate side lengths and use complex geometry in order to fit pieces of the final project together into one big piece.  Each piece is hatched to fit R2D2's color scheme.  

Examples 7 & 8
Examples 9 & 10
Examples 11, 12, & 13
SketchUp Restaurant Winter 2017

This restaurant was a project spanning over late November into early December, and I felt it was a good refresher after a lot of AutoCAD designs.  The restaurant features a dining room interior that connects to a stage, with the kitchen and bathrooms in the back.  I designed a top floor with 3 large dining tables for big parties.  The windows have similar cill designs to that of the beach house, and have depth to give a realistic look.  The walls are painted turquoise blue, and the floors are made of polished wood.  The stage is also raised a bit from the dining floor.  I put in a basic parking lot with street lights to 

Restaurant BIM Model
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